Shankar Subba, an SEO Consultant looking sideways

SEO Expert in Nepal: Shankar Subba

Hi, I’m Shankar Subba, an SEO Expert in Nepal. I can help you achieve the online success you desire. With my deep understanding of search engine algorithms and a proven track record of success, I can help you optimize your website for maximum visibility and higher search engine rankings.

Shankar Subba, an SEO Expert in Nepal

About Me

Shankar Subba

As an experienced SEO expert with more than half a decade of experience working in the SEO industry, I specialize in enhancing online visibility for businesses both in Nepal and abroad. Leveraging my customized, result-driven SEO strategies, I’ve helped businesses expand their online reach, boosting organic traffic, achieving higher ranking, and generating leads and revenue. My SEO services are designed to benefit any business, from small-scale to large corporations. Contact me today to learn more and get started on your SEO journey.

If you're new to SEO

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of improving the ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is an important aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses increase the visibility and accessibility of their website to potential customers who are using search engines to find products or services that the business offers.

Also, Search Engine Optimization is about more than just improving search engine ranking. It’s also about providing a better experience for visitors on your website. Optimizing for user experience can improve the overall usability of your website and make it easier for users to navigate, resulting in more time spent on-site and ultimately leading to more conversions.

Plus, in today’s competitive online market, investing in SEO is crucial for businesses in Nepal to stay ahead of their competitors and reach their target audience. Honestly, it’s a no-brainer!

Unlock Your Online Potential with Expert SEO Services Today!​

Why wait?

Seize the opportunity to:

🚀 Skyrocket your website’s organic traffic.

🎯 Target your ideal customers with precision.

💼 Outrank your competitors and dominate your niche.

📈 Drive more sales and generate impressive ROI.

SEO offers numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes.


Increased visibility and brand awareness

Enhance a brand's credibility and reputation

Higher organic search rankings

Targeted traffic that's more likely to convert

Long-lasting results that continue to generate traffic over time

Cost-effective marketing strategy

Increased market share and competitiveness

Low-Cost & High Intent

Higher return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels

Current Scenario of SEO in Nepal

Nepal’s SEO landscape, still in its infancy, presents ample opportunities for businesses due to low competition. With digitalization taking root, the importance of SEO is slowly being realized. Yet, many, even successful entrepreneurs, lack understanding of it, creating a niche for SEO experts.

Let’s take Daraz as an example. You might have heard about this e-commerce giant, right? Well, according to an interview with its managing director Lino Ahlering, Daraz was already on its way to becoming a 100 million-dollar company in terms of sales back in 2021. And guess what? They invested tons of money, time, and resources into SEO to become Nepal’s top e-commerce player.

But Daraz isn’t the only one reaping the benefits of SEO in Nepal. Many small and medium businesses have also seen the value in SEO and implemented it to gain an edge over their competition. And with an experienced SEO expert or consultant by your side, your business could reach new heights of success and achieve top-notch rankings too!

Are you one of them?

Common SEO Mistakes made by businesses in Nepal

Hiring Amateur SEOs

Many businesses, in an attempt to save costs, hire inexperienced SEO professionals or agencies that lack a proven track record. While this might seem like a cost-saving measure in the short term, it often leads to ineffective SEO strategies and can even harm the website's ranking if unethical tactics are used.

Lack of Clear Goals

Without clear, measurable goals, it's impossible to track the success of SEO and digital marketing efforts. Businesses often fail to define these goals or set unrealistic expectations. SEO is not a one-time project, but an ongoing process that requires a long-term strategy. Many businesses fail to plan beyond immediate goals, which leads to inconsistent efforts and results.

Falling for "Guaranteed Rankings" Schemes

No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google, and businesses often fall for these false promises. SEO takes time, and any agency that guarantees instant results should be approached with caution.

Not Aligning SEO with Other Business Goals

SEO should not exist in a vacuum but should be aligned with other business goals and strategies. Businesses often fail to integrate their SEO strategy with their overall marketing strategy and business objectives.

Not Understanding Their Audience

Businesses often make the mistake of not fully understanding their target audience's behavior, preferences, and needs. This can lead to ineffective keyword targeting and a mismatch between the content and the audience's interests.

Lack of Patience

SEO results don't happen overnight. Many businesses expect quick results and lose patience, changing tactics or abandoning their SEO efforts prematurely.

Don't let amateur mistakes bury your business in the depths of search results. Get started with our industry-leading SEO services today. Unleash Your Business True Potential!
🚀 Elevate Visibility
🎯 Boost Relevant Organic Traffic
📈 Grow Your Revenue.

Benefits of Working with an SEO Expert in Nepal

With a myriad of SEO experts available in the market, what sets me apart from the competition is my unique approach and commitment to delivering tangible results for my clients. Here are some key competitive advantages that I bring to the table:

Shankar Subba- SEO Expert

1. Experience

I have been working in the SEO industry for more than 5 years, making me a reliable and skilled expert. I have worked across different industries and niches with proven success.

4. Customized Strategies

I understand that each business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO is not effective. I take the time to analyze each client's business, target audience, and competitors to craft tailored strategies that address their specific needs and goals.

2. Expertise

I have worked with a diverse range of national and international clients, including SME businesses and enterprise companies, demonstrating my adaptability and versatility. My track record speaks for itself, with numerous successful SEO campaigns under my belt.

5. Data-Driven Decision-Making

I employ advanced analytics and monitoring tools to track the performance of my clients' websites, ensuring that every strategy implemented is backed by data and insights. This enables me to make informed decisions and continuously refine and optimize the SEO strategies to deliver maximum results.

3. Holistic Approach

I believe in taking a comprehensive approach to SEO, addressing all aspects of a website, including on-page, off-page, and technical SEO. This ensures that my clients' websites are fully optimized and aligned with search engine best practices.

6. Transparent Communication

I provide my clients with regular updates on the progress of their SEO campaigns, along with detailed reports that outline the impact of the strategies implemented. This ensures that clients are always informed about the return on their investment. Plus, I am transparent about my methods and pricing, ensuring that there are no surprises or hidden costs.

My Happy Clients!

As someone from none technical background, I found it very hard to build my personal brand online. I had no clue what SEO was or how to use it, so I was at a complete loss when I started. But, then I came in contact with Shankar. He helped me understand the importance of growing online organically with SEO and effective digital marketing strategies. Not only that, he provided valuable insights on how to design my website in a way that represents my brand right. His effective SEO strategies helped me turn my audiences into paying clients. He is truly one of the best SEO experts in Nepal. I am very thankful to him for his help.
Sunita Subba Professional Make Up Artist
Sunita S
Professional Beautician & Makeup Artist
Shankar sir and I worked together for various international projects. He was the brain behind numerous international successes, notably Layla Kaisi, which went on to make the Forbes list. I was a junior to him but he never made me feel that way. I always felt as if Shankar sir was only making minor tweaks to my works, but later I realized that it was his way of leading the team. Hardworking guy, never saw him take a day off. Dedicated and intelligent. Would be surprised if I could see any SEO expert in Nepal that could even come close with Shankar sir's SERP intellect, expertise and international track record.
Nischal KC
Nischal KC
Digital Marketer

My SEO Services

Complete SEO Package

A complete SEO package including On-Page, Off-Page, Technical and Local SEO.

SEO Consultation

I understand that some of you may be just looking for consultation rather than full fledged SEO services.

E-Commerce SEO

If you're running an E-Commerce, then this is perfect for you.

Content Development & Management

Rather than SEO, if you're looking to scale your content production and optimize the existing ones.

Unlock Your Online Potential with Expert SEO Services Today!​

Why wait?

Seize the opportunity to:

🚀 Skyrocket your website’s organic traffic.

🎯 Target your ideal customers with precision.

💼 Outrank your competitors and dominate your niche.

📈 Drive more sales and generate impressive ROI.

Shankar Subba giving SEO Consultation

Custom Quotes & Consultation

Unlock your business’s full potential with our custom quotes and personalized consultations, designed to cater to your unique needs while demystifying the complexities of SEO. I understand that the technicalities of digital marketing can be overwhelming. That’s why my team of experts works tirelessly to analyze your website, industry, and competition, creating a bespoke SEO strategy to maximize your online visibility and drive targeted traffic to your site. 

During the consultation, we break down complex concepts into simple terms, ensuring you have a clear understanding of our recommendations and their benefits. Our tailored approach focuses on achieving your specific goals, efficiently using your budget and resources. With our custom quotes, you can feel confident that you’re investing in a solution specifically designed to help your brand thrive in the digital landscape. Experience the power of a custom SEO strategy, expertly crafted to elevate your business and deliver an unparalleled return on investment. The future of your online success starts here.

My Happy Clients!

Shankar Subba, an SEO maestro in Nepal, has revolutionized my gym business, 'Muscle & Fitness Centre', with his strategic insights and relentless dedication. His tailored SEO strategy, focusing on local search optimization, propelled our online presence to the top of Google rankings and dramatically increased our website traffic and memberships. Shankar's customer-centric approach, in-depth knowledge, and readiness to go the extra mile make him an invaluable asset for any business. If you're seeking exponential online growth, I wholeheartedly recommend Shankar's SEO services. Don't wait, reach out to him today and watch your business transform.​
Muscle Gym Group Photo
Raghu Shrestha
Gym Owner
As a jewellery designer, I was struggling to make a mark in the online space until I collaborated with Shankar Subba, an exceptional SEO Expert in Nepal. With his profound knowledge and tailored SEO strategies, he helped my brand gain unprecedented visibility and traffic, skyrocketing sales like never before. The investment in his expertise has proven to be worth every penny, as my business continues to thrive and outshine competitors. If you want to experience similar growth, don't hesitate to reach out to Shankar Subba and let his magic work wonders for your online presence. Contact Shankar Subba now and witness the transformative power of SEO for your business.
Kamala R
Jewellery Designer
Shankar Subba giving SEO Consultation

Choose an SEO Expert with a Global Reach and Diverse Experience ​

As a seasoned SEO expert with extensive experience working with international clients across diverse niches, I know firsthand that partnering with a world-class professional is crucial to unlocking your business’s full potential in today’s highly competitive digital landscape. Trust me, settling for amateur or local expertise simply won’t cut it.

With my global experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge and best practices to the table, as well as invaluable insights into diverse market dynamics. By leveraging my expertise, I can identify the unique challenges your business faces and craft tailored strategies that resonate with your target audience.

Not only am I better equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms, but my comprehensive understanding of cultural nuances, audience preferences, and localized search trends allows me to optimize your website and content to appeal to a broader audience and rank higher in search results. You deserve the visibility that comes with a well-crafted SEO strategy.

My ability to adapt and innovate sets me apart from amateurs and local experts. With a proven track record of delivering results in challenging environments and staying up-to-date with the latest industry developments and technologies, I ensure your online presence remains relevant, engaging, and primed for growth.

Invest in me as your expert partner and watch your brand flourish like never before. I understand the intricacies of the global market and have the expertise to take your business to new heights, outperforming the competition and making a lasting impact. Don’t settle for anything less than a world-class SEO professional.

Shankar Subba, an SEO Consultant looking sideways

SEO Expert in Nepal FAQs:

An SEO expert is a professional who specializes in optimizing websites for search engines to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to the site. An SEO expert uses various techniques, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation, to improve a website’s visibility and attract potential customers. Me, Shankar Subba is an SEO Expert in Nepal.

Investing in SEO is essential for businesses and individuals in Nepal to stay ahead of their competitors and reach their target audience in the online market. An SEO expert in Nepal like me has the knowledge and experience to implement effective SEO strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. Optimizing your website for search engines can improve your search engine rankings and attract more potential customers.

As an SEO expert in Nepal, I offer a range of SEO services to help businesses and individuals improve their online presence and drive more website traffic. My services include (not limited to) On-Page SEO, Technical SEO, Link Building, Local SEO and content management, all tailored to your specific needs and goals across different niches. I also provide regular reporting and analysis to track the progress of your SEO efforts and make necessary adjustments for maximum results. Learn More!

You can contact me for a consultation by filling out the contact form on my website or sending me an email at [email protected] with your name, contact information, and a brief description of your SEO needs and goals. I will get back to you as soon as possible to schedule a consultation and discuss how my services can help your business succeed online in Nepal.

Absolutely! SEO is worth the investment for several reasons. First, it’s cost-effective compared to other marketing channels, as you don’t have to pay for each click or impression. Secondly, SEO provides long-term benefits; a well-optimized site can continue to attract organic traffic even after you stop investing in it. Lastly, SEO helps you build your brand’s online reputation and authority, which leads to increased customer trust and loyalty.

Your business needs SEO because it helps you reach a wider audience by improving your website’s visibility on search engines. With the majority of consumers using search engines to find products or services, it’s crucial to have a strong online presence. SEO also helps you attract high-quality, targeted traffic, which is more likely to convert into leads or sales. Moreover, as your site ranks higher in search results, your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness increase, making it easier for potential customers to choose your business over competitors.

Search engines are a great place for businesses to be found because they are the primary method most people use to find information, products, or services online. When your business ranks highly in search engine results, it’s more visible to potential customers who are actively searching for what you have to offer. This targeted traffic is more likely to convert into leads and sales. Additionally, appearing at the top of search results can also help build your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness, as users often associate higher rankings with higher quality and reliability.

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